1. 美國服裝品牌J. Crew出品的牛津學院風格的前開襟麻織襯衫:麻織襯衫愈皺愈有味道,配上一條剪裁合宜的牛仔褲便是最安全、最古典的休閒穿著。
2.巴黎著名的棉織品公司﹣小船(Petit Bateau)所設計的T恤:我是該公司產品的忠實粉絲。最愛穿設計給男孩用的圓領T恤。單穿、內搭、室內、室外,樣樣皆宜。
3.紐約服裝設計師譚燕玉(Vivienne Tam)的紗質尼龍長洋裝:譚燕玉愛用的尼龍織品不起皺紋、不佔空間。永不過時又帶點亞洲風格的洋裝可以隨時隨地派上任何用場。
My experience of hustle and bustle life in New York City has the effect of making me a prompt and ready traveler. My wants are few and simple, so that in less than the time stated I am in a cab with my luggage, rattling away to the airport of JFK, Zurich, or Helsinki.
Some of my friends are extremely curious about my tip of traveling light without compromising on style. Here is the contents of my luggage at a glance:
1. Oxford linen button down shirt by J. Crew: You can't go wrong with this classic style of shirt in any casual occasions.
2. T-shirt by Petit Bateau: I am a faithful fan of this Parisian cotton company. Short sleeve round neck tee for boy is my must-have to be worn outdoors as well as in.
3. Long mesh dress by Vivienne Tam: Tam's wrinkle-free mesh material doesn't take up too much space in my luggage, and her timeless dress with an Asian twist comes in handy in any different scenarios.
4. Bootleg Jeans by Notify: Classic cut with vintage wash is my favorite.
5. Leather flat sandals by Cydwoq: The high quality of the craftsmanship guarantees a good pair of walking and dress shoes at the same time.
6. Pack accessories that will offer some variety: The benefit with jewelry is that it doesn’t take up a great deal of room in your luggage and can be a great way to add some color to your travel wardrobe.
7. A mini travel cosmetic bag: I love bringing in sample sizes of soap, lotion, and perfume.
8. A multi-use scarf that will keep me warm on chilly flights. I can also wear it to the beach.
I've got my mini Cannon camera and Apple laptop at the ready. Off ... I ...Go!