
Lomo Me

by Zone Hou

by Zone Hou

by Zone Hou

The photographs of Henry Cartier Bresson inspired me to take up street photography. I often carry my Canon 5D around the world with only one lens and without flash. I like to observe and click life on the street, and share the beauty of everyday moments.

Although I fall in love with photography that depicts a scene realistically, I appreciate others’ applications of art to photography. I’m here to show you some photos taken by my very charismatic girlfriend Zone Hou during our visit to Xin Tian Di, Shanghai. Judging by the photos with oversaturated colors, fisheye lens and some other special effects, she is definitely a passionate advocate for lomography.

是法國攝影師 Henry Cartier Bresson 的作品讓我開始涉足街頭攝影。不用閃光、只固定用一個鏡頭,我時常帶著我的佳能5D照像機繞著地球跑。只因為我喜歡透過鏡頭觀察街頭人生, 並且與人分享美麗生命的時時刻刻、點點滴滴。

我熱愛純粹的寫實攝影,但我也欣賞運用另類藝術技術的攝影作品。在此和你們分享我知性迷人的女友 Zone Hou 所拍的作品,那時我們正在上海的新天地蕩遊。從照片上過度飽和的色彩、魚眼鏡頭 及其它特殊效果來判斷,她可是不折不扣的 lomography擁護者。


The Most Beautiful Things 最美麗的事物

Traditional shoes I found in the old district in Shanghai

They are for stories
about things of long ago.

They are for giving you
nice memories to keep...

But most importantly of all,
they’re the most beautiful things all on their own.



但最重要的, 他們的真誠不做作才是最美麗的事物。


In Cheng Huang Miao, the City God Temple of Shanghai 在上海城皇廟裡

I saw this man in an ancient Chinese costume–––
I was thinking about what he was thinking about.



Tian Zi Fang, the fragrance to the stage 田子坊,粉墨登場的明星味。

What pulled me into the labyrinth-like Tian Zi Fang at night wasn’t the stylish fashion boutiques or the modern art galleries, but the smell that I can relate to the women who've waxed nostalgic over the fragrance's reference to the stage, having been an actress in my childhood.

夜訪迷宮似地田子坊。吸引我注意的不是流行精品小店也不是現代藝廊, 而是一層抹上懷舊氛圍的氣味,讓我聯想起孩提時代的女演員在粉墨登場時所散發的明星味。


Smell of the Past in Shanghai 老上海的味道

JinXian Road (進賢路

While strolling around the alleys of Lu Pu district, Puxi, just west of Shanghai, I was confronted by what nostrils register as an odor of the past, for it is a rare thing these days to encounter the hanging clotheslines with a trail of detergent smell in public spaces.
