
“香水記事”的背後花絮 (一) the story of a perfume: scene 1

An Asian girl called Fifi W.

Fifi says: I love nature.
Fifi says: My bare essentials.
Fifi says: I love Cheer Chen.


塗鴉點燃了我們內在的創造力。它不但是一個溝通的工具,也是一個藝術的成型。雖然我通常運用電腦來完成我的設計,但是我必需承認的是, 對於無法傳達冒險與即興創意的電腦繪圖,我是有些許的失望的。


為了吻合這次2011世界設計大會展覽所要表現的童話氛圍,我因此用了塗鴉為媒介來訴說 Fifi W.的故事–––一個住在亞洲,喜歡旅行,也是音樂人陳綺貞的粉絲的女孩。

"和調香師 Yann Vasnier 探索詩中的香水"將是系列之二, 請拭目以待...

Doodling: scene 1

Doodling ignites our inner creativity. It is not just a communication device but also an art form. Although I do most of my design on computer, I confess that much computer-generated illustration disappoints me for its lack of risk and immediacy.

Doodling allows me to escape from the real world and let my mind run free. It also creates a warm, comfy sensation. Whenever I feel down and need a break, I like to look at the drawings of fancy princesses and cute bunnies in the margin of my old school books, and let them bring me back to the innocent, sweet, and happy memories.

To match the fairy-tale ambience of the perfume for my exhibit “The Story of a Perfume” at IDA Congress 2011, I decided to use doodling as a medium to tell the fable of Fifi W.–––An Asian girl who loves travel and is a big fan of Cheer Chen (陳綺貞).

"Exploring the Perfume in a Poem with Yann Vasnier" will be the second. Please stay tuned...


IDA Congress: Della Chuang + Yann Vasnier + 陳綺貞 = 香水記事

left: Della Chuang, center: Yann Vasnier, right: Cheer Chen

當紐約的設計師莊卉家,巴黎的調香師 Yann Vasnier,台北的音樂人陳綺貞這三位來自不同領域的創作人聚在一塊的時後,台北的空氣會散發出什麽樣的創意氣息呢?

日期: 10/22 ––– 10/30, 2011 (10 am –– 6 pm)
地點: 台北世貿展覽館一館D區
主辦單位: 經濟部;台北市政府
執行單位: 台灣設計創意中心
贊助者: 瑞士Givaudan香水香精公司;台北添翼創越工作室台東原愛工坊

When designer Della Chuang, perfumer Yann Vasnier and musician Cheer Chen meet and make magic together, Taipei is a place where imagination and creativity become engaged...

"The Story of a Perfume", my design exhibition collaborated with Mr. Vasnier and Ms. Chen, will be presented at 2011 IDA Congress in Taipei from 10/22 to 10/31. We appreciated the great support from Givaudan, Teamear Music, and Taidong Yuan-Ai Crafts.


"The Story of a Perfume" at 2011 IDA Congress 世界設計大會展覽–––香水記事

Sketched in the studio
十月份除了參與 SephoraFirmenich 在紐約所舉辦香水知覺設計聯展外,我也榮幸地能夠回台共襄2011世界國際設計大會 (International Design Alliance) 的展覽盛舉。

刻意避開閃亮晶瑩的香水瓶及攝人魂魄的廣告陳列,此次展覽將以”說故事” 的方式來介紹香水設計的醞釀過程。在芬芳的氛圍中,訪客將從香水瓶設計草圖與創意槪念看板中體驗出視覺、嗅覺和聽覺之間的創意聯想。


人人皆是造物者。如果我們學會發揮個人的想像力並設身處地地去了解每件事物背後的“創造想法”及“過程”, 那麽我們的生活將會更美好。至少,我是這麽想的...

Apart from Sensorium exhibition by Sephora and Firmenich in New York, I’ll participate in the design expo at International Design Alliance (IDA) World Congress, the most authoritative international design event of the world. Taipei, the capital city of Taiwan, is appointed as the host of IDA Congress in 2011.

Eschewing polished perfume bottles and slick advertisements, my exhibition showcases the creative process of perfume design through a story of an Asian girl. The audience will experience the creative connections between the themes of "visual", "scent", and "music", and how they fuse into a set of perfume bottle sketches and concept boards.

The creativity of perfumes is a quality that is highly valued, but not always well understood. Using more spontaneous, expressive, and less inhibited ways to present a perfume idea, I hope the audience would appreciate the beauty of the creative process of all design principles.

Everything is created by somebody. If one could learn to imagine, in any given thing, the “creator’s thoughts” and the “process”, it might lead to a better life. At least, that’s what I think...