Dear friends,
I'm so pleased to introduce you to my new website–––
It's a hybrid site that combines a blog with fresh content and a website including my portfolio, exhibitions, publications, etc.
See you there!
Love is in the air–––My Perfume Column for Harper's Bazaar China
My perfume column for Harper’s Bazaar China, Feb. 2014 issue.
Love is like a butterfly or a bird in the sky. It goes where it pleases and it pleases wherever it goes... This article is about how love mischievously interplays with scent, color and form.
Please find Della Chuang@Instagram, Facebook, and Weibo. See you there.
My brand new website will be coming soon...
My brand new website will be coming soon...
Travel, Scent, and My Art Installation in Macau 旅行、氣味與我在澳門的香味裝置藝術
The dandelion is a metaphor of myself–––– living which is any place in the world can be home as long as I feel it is home. Therefore, I used it as my art installation concept for the travel-themed exhibition in Macau. The exhibition, sponsored and organized by T Galleria, DFS, will be open on January 23, 2014.
This project is in collaboration with perfumer Christophe Laudamiel.
浮雲遊子,漫遊在歐、美、 亞三大洲,我把自己比喻成蒲公英,只要心中認定的家,便是家了。但是,無論我走多遠,隱藏在腦海裡最深層的氣味記憶還是拉近了我與家鄉南國小島的距離,想著老家時,思緒開始化成一團蒲公英,我輕輕念著:Wish upon a Fairy,blow on a dandelion,and the Fairies would fly off to the loved ones—soft, soft, like a gentle caress.蒲公英像長了翅膀的許願小精靈,承載我對心愛家人一種軟軟的柔柔的問候。因此,針對T Galleria (DFS)以旅行為主題的展覽,我自然地就用風吹到哪裡,就在哪裡落地生根的蒲公英來延伸我氣味記憶裡的南國故鄉。展覽將於1月23日2014年開始在澳門T Galleria開放。
展覽名稱:許願蒲公英 (Making A Wish)
旅人停下腳步,充滿欣喜之情的凝視在風中搖曳著的小絨球,許個願,輕輕一吹,“呼”,絨球瞬間向外散開,化成了一個個承諾幸福與夢想的小精靈,顫顫巍巍的飛上了天空, 飄向遠方思念的人…… 正因為蒲公英和氣味記憶一樣,代表的是一種飄渺卻又如此貼心的甜蜜應許,所以我以它充滿童趣的故事概念來構思此次展覽的視覺和香水創作。圖像上,以隨性的筆觸在六邊形的陶瓷上勾勒出抽像的蒲公英, 模塊化的排列組合形成有機且無限綿延的意象,彷彿一簇簇風來雲動的白色小花纏繞著芬芳,不僅可視,而且可嗅、可觸。材質上, 以塗上定制“蒲公英”香水的陶瓷“T” 做為傳遞幸福香味的媒介, 從空間到時間,讓無形的香味顯得有形有色。
我的香水概念就像一本在亞熱帶海島旅行的日記,它喚起不同層次的色彩,不同深淺的水波和溫溫的,暖暖的,酥酥的春陽。想像漫步在野薑花與橘子香氣瀰漫的早晨,燦爛的陽光穿過樹葉間的空隙,透過薄如絲綢的早霧,一縷縷地灑滿了微濕的地上,此時澄清空氣中的幾朵白色蒲公英,跳著、跑著、飄著進入了一次又一次南方氣味的旅程,因此,我叫這款香水“蒲公英”。香調的組合以橘子,薑花與蒲公英為主,這三個氣味對一個在南方小島出生的我,感覺私密又親切…… 帶葉的澄黃橘子是中國新年的象徵並且帶來好運氣;高潔清雅的薑花是母親春天至愛的暖暖花香; 圓願的蒲公英是倒帶兒時童趣的記憶。它們相互調和而形成的各種隱喻關係讓氣味更加鮮明,滿滿裝載遠方心愛的人的祝福,讓人聞出一種幸福快樂的香氣。
與我合作此次展覽的是好友調香師克里斯托夫·勞德美(Christophe Laudamiel)。我們曾一起合作過被香水業界列為史上十大男性香水之一的拉爾夫勞倫“藍色馬球香水”(Ralph Lauren Polo Blue for Men)。除了商業香水作品之外,我們也共同致力推廣氣味的美學藝術,我的香水著作《瓶裝記憶:京都之水》中的“京都之水”香水(KyotEau Parfum)為其代表作品之一。
what I'm doing in 2014 (2014年,我要做的事)
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summer 2013 in Tuscana, Italy |
January 23rd to March 15th, 2014 in Macau
I’m honored to participate in an exhibit sponsored by T Galleria, DFS.
As one of the three featured artists, I’m presenting a scented art installation (in collaboration with perfumer Christopher Laudamiel).
I keep tackling interesting 2D, 3D, and digital design projects across three continents. I work with my European and Chinese clients in the morning and with American clients in the afternoon. (As I don’t currently have any Australian clients, at night I get to sleep) Despite the intense schedule, I’m having fun as long as the projects are interesting and rewarding.
February 2014 in China
Besides continuing my lifestyle column for Guanzhou Daily News, I’m also starting a new perfume column for Harper’s Bazaar China. A monthly reminiscence paired with my colored pencil drawing, the new column provides an east-west perspective on the art of perfume to the Chinese reader.
Spring 2014 in China
My third book KyotEau: Bottled Memories (English + Simplified Chinese edition) will be launched in spring. This new edition features additional articles about my sensory experiences in Kyoto, and I hope it will convey even more of the flavors of my beloved city to the reader.
The origins of inspiration are diverse but unpredictable. I keep exploring with curiosity, time permitting, through travel, people, food, and wine. A particular focus is learning more about the wines of Italy, and about food pairing.
我很榮幸能夠受邀參加T Galleria, DFS主辦的藝術展覽。作為受邀的三位藝術家之一,我將以抽像的香味呈現一個有形的裝置藝術(與法國調香師克里斯托弗·勞德美合作)。我的工作室將持續跨越三大洲,挑戰有趣的2D ,3D和電子媒體的設計項目。當然, 我的工作行程也一如往常:上午與歐洲和中國的客戶開會溝通;下午則與美國客戶溝通開會(還好目前沒有澳洲的客戶,所以晚上我可以舒服地睡個覺)。儘管有時忙得透不過氣,但只要設計案子有趣,我還是對忙碌的生活甘之如貽。
我的第三本書《京都: 瓶裝記憶》(英文+簡體中國版)將在春季推出。新的版本添加了更多有關京都體驗的感官新文与插画,讓我更完整的傳達我對这个心愛城市的感受。探索
靈感的來源是多種多樣且不可預知的。如果時間允許, 我會用一顆好奇的心,經由旅行,人物,料理和葡萄酒,來探索這個大千世界。在此特別強調的是,我將持續花更多的時間來了解義大利的葡萄酒以及有關美酒與食物的搭配藝術。
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