
The Art of Waiting 等待的藝術

Design is a PROCESS and so is waiting. Both of them take time and require strength, believe, and perseverance. Although I’m an untiring advocate of PROCESS, I admit that I rather spending time to get the exact color, appropriate shape, and perfect composition for my design work than twiddling my thumbs and waiting for the feedbacks from the design clients, the publishers, and the gallerists.

A silly thought: won’t it be nice to just “click” a button and get an immediate result?

These days, as my world goes faster and faster it becomes harder and harder to slow myself down and allow patience for processes that just take time.  Alas, “The Art of Waiting” has been gradually lost on me.

Waiting can be a torture, but I must know, some things just take good “old-fashioned” time...

設計和等待是過程的一體兩面, 同時需要時間,精力,信仰,以及堅持的考驗。雖然我是個過程的擁護著,但是我倒寧願花功夫在設計作品上以找出精準的顏色,適切的形狀, 以及完美的構圖,而不是扭轉我的大姆指癡癡地等待設計客戶,出版社,或是畫廊業主的關注。





Be Happy for Me Too 也替我高興一下

I'm just happy to be interviewed by The Fragrance Foundation.
Please read it and be happy for me too.

敬請閱讀, 也替我高興一下。


Shepard Fairey and His Wall 塗鴉藝術家Shepard Fairey和他的牆壁

The afternoon storm was stopped, and NoLiTa was filled with the fragrance of the plum blossoms and the cheer of springtime again.

I saw Shepard Fairey, with a bucket of glue and a long-handled brush, working tranquilly to the wall with the eye of a graffiti artist.

As I nibbled an apple ––– paid no attention to the emergency sirens and horn beeps from the heavy traffic on East Houston street, I thought of Tom Sawyer, the naughty protagonist in The Adventures of Tom Swayer, written by the American author and humorist Mark Twain.

See my favorite cartoon.


看見提了一桶漿糊及長柄刷子的Shepard Fairey,心神恬定地以一種塗藝術家的眼光在牆上創作。

不在乎East Houston街口傳來繁忙的警鈴及喇吧聲,我小口小口地咬著一粒蘋果,腦海中浮現的竟是湯姆莎耶–––美國文壇幽默大師馬克吐溫的著作<湯姆歷險記>中的那個淘氣小男孩。



Awesome Things That Are Beyond Words 難以用筆墨來形容的美好事物

There are awesome things that are beyond words:

True love;

The taste of fine dark chocolate;

The texture of velvet;

The smell of Sakaura blossoms lingering in the spring breeze.

Listen to this music

有些美好的事物是難以用筆墨來形容的, 像是:







The Tea Tastes Like a Volcanic Eruption 嚐起來像火山爆發味道的茶

In this morning, while drinking a cup of Lapsang Souchong tea, a black tea from Wu-Yi region in China, its smoky, tobacco ash-like aroma and flavor reminded me of the the eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull on Tuesday, April 13.

Volcanic gases and silicate ash has spread across much of Europe, bring air travel across the continent to a near standstill. My Finnish friends who've got stuck in Geneva for a few days, are considering taking a bus back to Helsinki. But how long is the journey going to take? Three whole days!

Being a frequent traveler, I have plenty of stories to tell about being stuck at the airport. The experiences are not pleasant but I use the time to catch up on my reading. Even so, I still prefer reading calmly in my cozy apartment while sipping on my hot volcano-flavored tea.


火山的瓦斯味及灰墟已籠罩了大部分的歐洲,導致洲際航線幾乎癱瘓。我滯留在日內瓦多日歸心似箭的芬蘭朋友們, 局然想要搭巴士返回赫然爾辛基。那可得足足花上三天的時間耶。



Lilacs With No Scent 沒有香氛的丁香

I'm kind of blue today.

My tooth, after ten days of treatment, is still hurting me slightly.

I just found out that, from the outdated New York Times, I missed the concert of Atoms for Peace, a side project that is led by Radiohead's main singer Thom Yorke.

Moreover, the French lilacs that I bought two days ago are still too shy to release their fragrance.

Oh well, according to popular wisdom, you can't have everything, and there's a good deal of truth in that, the balance of human lives is constantly swinging back and forth between what's gained and what's lost. 

Without the scent of lilacs, it's still nice to play Atoms for Peace's music and let Thom Yorke's beautiful voice fill my room.



從過期的紐約時報中得知我竟然錯失了電台總司令的主唱Thom Yorke所領導的Atoms for Peace樂團的音樂會;


嗯, 就這樣囉。“你不能擁有一切”的致理名言在某些程度上來說還是有它的道理:平衡的人生經常是在得失之間搖擺的。


Reading a Book by Smelling Its Ink 聞墨閱讀

Part of my happiness and imagine depends on books, so when I couldn't find The Double by the Portuguese novelist and journalist José Saramago from the piles of books scattered everywhere in my apartment, I came to realize that it was about time to do spring cleaning.

However, the magnitude of the task before me was quite simply overwhelming: about fifty books were piled up on a Chinese antique cabinet; thirty books were lying on a long fragile bamboo bench; six books I ordered from Amazon.com were still in the boxes; more stacks of books occupied in every corner of my apartment.

After my bookshelf is, more or less, tidy and exudes ink odour, a sort of intelligent smell, which one has to breath in for one's body to be purified and one's soul to be exalted, suddenly I feel so compulsed to read them all to assure that I'm illumined and not deluded.

Call me crazy, but for the sack of saving time and saving energy, won't it be nice if we can read a book by putting down our noses and smelling the ink between pages?

我的幸福和創意部分取掘於書本。因此當我再也無法在從散落四處的書籍中找出我想閱讀的葡萄牙作家José Saramago 的The Double,我不得不承認該是春季大掃除的時刻了。
當大功告成,書架漸漸的流露出印墨的味道–––那種帶有智慧氣息足以讓人清淨身體,提升靈性的香味, 讓我突然有股想要及刻飽覽羣書的衝動來擔保我不傻,我還聰明。
算我是瘋人一個吧。如果能把鼻子湊在書頁中來聞墨閱讀,那到不失為一帖時間及能源節流的妙方, 不是嗎?


A Reader from Australia

From time to time, I receive e-mails from the readers who share their thoughts about my writing and design with me. They are from the continents in the Northern Hemisphere, such as Asia, Europe and North America. But a few days ago, I got a lovely e-mail from an Australian reader, who said he enjoyed reading my latest book KyotEau: Bottled Memories. I know this reader could be doing any number of other things, but he chose to spend his time with me. Just to think about this makes me feel so rewarding and honored. 

After responding to his e-mail, I organized some time for myself to enjoy a soothing, beautiful Sunday afternoon in Liz Christy community garden on Bowery street. As I entered the garden, scents and colors welcomed me from every corner–––tulips, hyacinths, plums, cherries, crocus, snowdrops and Iris–––greens, purples, pinks, yellows, whites and reds. Suddenly a feeling of euphoria spread through me.

Indeed, gardening and writing has something in common. Either to enjoy the scents of flowers or catch the attention of a reader, it requires love, hard work and commitment. 

Thank you for your lovely letter again, my dear Australian reader. KyotEau fragrance is on its way, I promise.


Obsession with Patterns

While browsing through the photos that I took in Dublin, Ireland, my eyes fixed on a picture that shows a red scooter decorated with white polka dots. Again, it reminds me of Yayoi Kusama (草間彌生).

Kusama said about her painting Flower in 1945, "...a polka-dot has the form of the sun, which is a symbol of the energy of the whole world and our living life, and also the form of the moon, which is calm.  Round, soft, colorful, senseless and unknowing. Polka-dots become movement...Polka dots are a way to infinity."

Kusama's obsession for polka-dot patterns is a force in the story of one of 20th-century art's most compelling and enigmatic protagonists. Her fascination with what she described as "infinite repetition" drove her to cover paintings and installations with polka dots. She orchestrated happenings such as painting naked models with polka dots on Brooklyn Bridge. Donald Judd and Frank Stella both bought her work; Claes Oldenberg, Andy Warhol, Rei Kawabuko (川久保 玲, the founder of Comme des Garçons) were influenced by her. 

I'm interested in the "process" of making patterns. I'm curious about what was in the scooter owner's thoughts when he applied the dots one by one to the body of his Vespa. It is impossible to tell if he is a fan of Kusama, but at least from the lovely white polka dots and the whimsical black types "Bottoms up!!" he created, he surely knows how to temper passion with color, polka dots, and Irish life.