In western cultures, red color symbolizes sexual energy, youth, vivacity and stimulation. Red is power, hence the red power ties for business people and the red carpet for celebrities.
But red has its more serious side in Chinese culture. Chinese red denotes happiness and prosperity and may be used to attract good luck. Red flag, red lantern, red wedding, red Spring festival couplets... Red is the living color of China!
The Chinese red can be red like vermillion, brick, or the national flag. I personally prefer the red with earth tone highlights, an elegant color like the red wall of Confucius temple in Tainan, Taiwan. The Confucius temple red sumptuously indicates richness, power, and noble and is used to honor the great Chinese thinker and social philosopher Confucius (551- 479BC).
莊老師您好:很開心您昨天來分享您的觀點和活力給我們,雖然我們忙碌於專案,無法參與昆範老師和羽晴及您的會談,不過您的觀點和熱情真的讓我很印象深刻;而且赫然發現,您的部落格我之前就瀏覽過了呢~由其是對您孔廟紅裡的那張花窗與牆的照片~印象特別深刻,拍得真的很美之外,對我而言,那張照片傳達給我的感受是,用西方美學的觀點發現東方美感的角度,對於我們這些身在此山中,對許多事物習以為常的人們,有注入一股清流之感^^,很高興認識老師您,希望有天也有機會去上您的課。徐子盈 敬上